How to Use SEO for Real Estate Featured Listings

91% of realtors say they use social media to advertise their featured listings.

But to really get the most out the content you put on Facebook, your website, or your blog, you need to make sure that it’s optimized for search engines. 

Unfortunately, close to half of all realtors say that staying on top of the technology side of their businesses is among the most challenging parts of their job. 

In this post, we’re sharing with you some of the best tips on how to use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to boost views to your website and your featured listings. 

1. Get The Right Keywords

When you’re writing your content – whether it’s your bio, information about a house, or even captions for photos, you need to make sure that you include keywords in your writing. 

What are keywords? 

Well, when buyers search online, they might type something into Google like “best realtor Dallas Texas” or “local real estate broker.” The words and phrases that people type in the most frequently when they’re looking for a product (in this case, a home) are called keywords. 

If you’re a more successful/larger company, you may be able to get away with more vague keywords, like “real estate broker.”

However, if you’re local or just starting out, be as specific as you can.

That way, you won’t be in competition with other huge real estate companies that are also using the same keywords you are. You’ll also connect faster with the people who are looking for exactly what you’re selling.

2. Link To Other Content

Building links is another great way to make sure that your website gets closer to that coveted first page of Google results. 

This means that, in your blog posts, social media blasts, and even comments you leave on other sites, you should aim to include a link back to another page of your site. 

A word of warning, though – make sure that your link actually makes sense in the context of what you’re writing about. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about listings in New York, it doesn’t make sense to link back to a page about listings in Wyoming. 

Also, include reputable links to other sites in your content. Not your competitors, but for example, articles from newspapers or other popular real estate blogs that back up the claims you’re making.

3. Make Sure Your Site Is Mobile-Friendly

Today, more and more people are searching for their dream homes online. If your mobile site doesn’t load, people are either going to click away from it, or not click on it at all. 

All of this lowers you in the search engine rankings. 

Always make sure your website is optimized for mobile!

Make Sure More People See Your Featured Listings!

Thanks to this guide, you have the basic tools you need to boost your website’s traffic, build your brand, and sell more homes through your online profiles and featured listings. 

But there’s still a lot to learn about how SEO can help you earn more.

Ready to keep learning about how to use your online content and digital marketing plan to grow your commissions, decrease your sales time, and more?

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