How To Use Landing Pages To Convert Real Estate Leads

A website can do a lot for your business, but its main function is to get leads. There are many different types of pages you might find on a website: a home page, a contact page, a blog, and a landing page are just a few examples. Reading this guide will show you how landing pages, an important part of search engine optimization or SEO, can convert real estate leads.

First, you need to know what a landing page is. The title gives much of it away, it’s the page on your website where leads land, or enter your site. But a landing page can be so much more.

It can guide your leads from prospecting to conversion by providing an engaging and informative experience. For example, you might include a short video clip to grab a prospect’s attention. They might scroll down to find a gallery of real estate listings, and then a contact form.

Landing pages are designed to entice visitors to move to the next step, to convert. For you, that means they give you their contact information so you can continue nurturing the relationship founded on the landing page.

In other words, your landing page is the lead’s first impression. And that judgment happens fast, it takes just two-tenths of a second for prospects to make decisions about a website. Landing pages matter.

Keep reading to learn how to use landing pages to convert real estate leads.

Convert Real Estate Leads with Home Valuations

Whether people are looking to buy or sell, offering the chance to find out how much a home is worth speaks to their sense of the bottom line. This tool answers questions like:

  • How much house can I get for my money?
  • How does location change the cost of comparable homes?
  • How much should I list my home for?

By providing this tool, you’re giving leads valuable information while learning about their needs and real estate situation.

Convert Leads with Cheat Sheets

People love free information. Even more, they love free, quick-to-digest, free information. Nothing says quick info like a cheat sheet.

In exchange for receiving a free cheat sheet, you might ask for an email address or phone number so that you can get in touch with the lead and nurture that relationship.

By offering free information, leads will see you as the expert. You can start to build trust while collecting contact information.

Accessible tools and information will help prospects and help them to get to know you. Every communication is a piece of the conversation and a landing page is a great opener. Check out these additional tips to make the most of your landing pages:

  • Aim your content and offerings at a specific demographic.
  • Think local: create landing pages for each neighborhood you service.
  • Make the page pretty and easy to use. For 48% of visitors, website design can have a huge impact on perceived credibility.
  • Ask for the information you seek. If you want email addresses, ask for them. If you want to connect on the phone, ask for phone numbers. Be direct.

If you still have questions about how landing pages can influence your lead conversions, contact us today.

Digital Shift Agency:
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