The Top 5 Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas

Lead generation is crucial to every real estate agent’s success.

If you need help increasing your reach, keep reading for our top five real estate lead generation ideas. 

Use Video

Videos are incredibly useful for engaging potential homebuyers. 

A variety of videos posted to your website will help entice visitors with different interests. Some types of videos you can utilize include: 

  • Brand videos to help explain to visitors what makes your company the best for them
  • Videos that showcase your community engagement
  • Review videos that feature testimonials from previous clients
  • Listing videos that take visitors through the homes you have for sale

It might take some time, but you’ll definitely see a return on your investment with video marketing. 

Increase Your Social Media Presence

Right next to video, social media is one of the best lead generation tools out there. Many real estate agents and real estate companies are utilizing Facebook and Instagram to appeal to homebuyers in a new way. 

Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms help increase your reach. You can even double down and share your videos on your social media pages to spread your company’s message to a wider audience. 

When using social media to boost your business, make sure your audience is engaged.

Give them two pictures of homes and ask them to choose which one they like the best, or do giveaways and contests. The options are endless. 

Use Zillow

Zillow is the largest real estate website out there. It’s a great place to visit to start building your online presence. With Zillow Premier Agent, the website’s lead generation platform may be beneficial to you. 

Because of Zillow’s popularity, you’re almost guaranteed to see commissions from the listings you post there. 

There are a number of ways to make Zillow work for you, including posting videos, past sold properties, and client reviews. 

Include A Live Chat Option On Your Website

People like to get answers right away, and a live chat option on your website is a great way to engage with potential leads and answer their questions in real time. 

In order for a live chat option to be effective, though, it’s crucial that someone is available to answer questions as soon as they are asked. You might not have time for that, but, if you have a personal assistant, you can delegate the task to them. 

Increase Your Community Involvement

If you’re a regular fixture at community events, people will start to think of your company first when they need to buy or sell their home. 

Especially if you are new to the real estate game, it’s important to get your name out there, whether you give a guest lecture at a local college or volunteer at charity events. 

The more you show up at community events, you’re also more likely to get some local media coverage, which will only help you get recognized more easily. 

Contact Us For More Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas

Whether you want more real estate lead generation ideas or just need some SEO advice, contact us today. 

We’ll respond to your questions as soon as possible and help you get on your way to accomplishing all your real estate goals. 

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