Social Media Strategies for Real Estate Marketing

Remember the days when people flipped through inky newspaper pages to locate their dream homes?

Yeah, we don’t either.

Real estate marketing has skyrocketed eons ahead of those days now. To compete, you need to be able to reach people where they are swiping, scrolling, texting, sending, linking, and looking.

Get ready to stake your “Sold!” sign in the ground with these social media strategies for marketing your real estate properties!

Real Estate Marketing Goes Social

If your floorplan for real estate marketing does not include a wide swatch of social media targeting, you’re going to have a lot of leftover listings.

Digital marketing is essential these days, but moreover, it makes things so easy and free.

Social Platforms for You

First, you should have presences for your agency/company on all the major platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Snapchat. Use them to post:

  • New listings
  • Virtual walkthroughs
  • Sneak peaks at properties coming on the market
  • Share customer testimonials and reviews
  • Interact with prospective buyers by allowing questions and comments

Show Me the Money

Keep in mind that some social media options can cost you.

These options include Google AdWords for your listings (those links you see off to the side of search engines).

You can also pay for customer relationship software to move prospects down your buying funnel and sponsored ads or landing sites.

Can something like Google AdWords help your real estate business?

Well, the National Association of Realtors noted that more than half of all buyers begin their search online.

Maybe spending a little to capture over half the people shopping for houses is something to consider!

You Should Know Your SEO

Ah yes, more marketing lingo!

Still with us?

Search engine optimization may seem like something that’s more of the social media marketing world, but you absolutely need it for real estate marketing.

Consider SEO like your own team of agents with boots on the ground that promote listings for you every day, including holidays and weekends.

It is absolutely crucial to get your listings to the top of the search results pages, and you do that by mastering SEO.

You’ll want to optimize:

  • Every page of your website
  • Every page of every home listing
  • The alternative text and captions that go along with the home listings
  • Landing pages
  • Workflow pages

Work with a real estate SEO expert to capture the keywords your target audience is using.

These are their pain points, such as “tiny home,” “small space gardens,” “extended family under one roof,” etc.

Before Your Shingle, Let Us Mingle

Are you completely glazed-eyes yet?

Don’t worry!

Both social media strategizing and real estate marketing alone are really complex subjects.

Put them together and wow!

Fortunately, we’ve spent a ton of time on this topic and before you hang out your real estate shingle, let’s talk.

Click here to send us a question on setting up your agency, questions about LinkedIn targeting, or even how to master your landing pages.

We’re here to help so ask today!

Digital Shift Agency:
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