What Every Real Estate Agent Website Needs

As a real estate agent, having a website is a great way to market your services.

Without a website, you have to rely on word of mouth to build your client base. Word of mouth works but the way of the world is the Internet!

Are you building a real estate agent website? Do you want to ensure your website provides everything that clients may need?

The Internet is home to more than 1 billion websites.

This means your website has to stand out from the crowd!

If you’re looking for real estate agent website tips, you’ve come to the right place!

Read on for useful tips and tricks.

1. Ensure contact information is front and center

When clients visit your website, they are looking for specific information. Typically clients are seeking:

  • information about you as an agent
  • your contact information
  • homes for sale in their local area
  • information about selling a home

If a client wants to hire you as their agent, he/she will need your contact information.

While it seems simple, so many agents forget this information on their website!

Your contact details should be easy to locate. Put this information in the header or footer of your website. This includes your name, title, phone numbers and email address.

Tell clients who you are as a real estate agent

Don’t be afraid to market yourself. You want your clients to trust you before contacting you.

Provide an “about me” section on your real estate agent website.

Tell clients about your real estate agent history. Give statistics on how many successful customers you’ve had throughout the years.

The more information you provide, the better!

2. Provide testimonials

If you’re well-versed in the real estate world, you have helped dozens of people buy or sell a home.

You want future clients to know that you provide quality services, right? One of the best ways to do this is by posting testimonials from past clients.

In fact, 90% of people claim that positive reviews influenced their buying decisions.

Testimonials create trust. Many people are skeptical of hiring a real estate agent before meeting them.

But testimonials allow you to sell yourself with a sales pitch!

3. Use search engine optimization (SEO)

As a real estate agent, you may not know too much about search engine optimization (SEO). Using SEO will ensure that your website gets the traffic it needs. SEO benefits are endless!

Without SEO, your website may never appear in search engine results. Specific SEO techniques include:

  • using keywords in your content
  • providing backlinks in your content

Your real estate agent website is no good if clients will never see it. Take the time to implement SEO on your website. You can also contact SEO professionals for assistance!

A good website is made better with the help of the pros

Do you want proven professional assistance with your real estate agent website? If so, Digital Shift can help!

Our services allow you to focus on real estate agent work. We take on the task of optimizing your website.

Contact us today for the support you need!

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