With so many ways to advertise on a digital platform, the possibilities are virtually (pun intended!) endless. If you know anything about digital marketing, you’ll already know that email is an important tool.

Some would say email marketing is the most effective digital marketing tool out there. Let’s talk about how drip marketing can revamp your email advertising and get you more real estate leads!

What is Drip Marketing?

Think of water dripping. Slowly. Eventually, it makes a puddle, right? But it doesn’t happen quickly. It’s a steady flow, but it isn’t overwhelming. That’s how drip marketing works.

So where do you start? First, you need to find an email service provider or a software that can help. From there, the process basically works like this:

  1. You prepare a series of emails.
  2. You schedule times for them to be sent to pre-saved lists of email addresses.


Some systems will only allow for the same series of emails to go out to a given list one time. This is a tricky system if you get a new prospect in your “lineup” during the middle of a drip campaign. Why? Because the person you add to your email list will only start getting the emails wherever you currently are in your email campaign.

For example, if you are on email 3 of a 7 email campaign, your new prospective client will only receive emails 4- 7. Make sense?

There are other systems that don’t have this issue. These systems allow any new email addresses added to your list to receive the entire campaign from the beginning.


There is nothing quite as important as content when it comes to digital marketing. Those who create and utilize engaging content outperform their competitors every time. Drip marketing is no exception. Here are some do’s and don’t’s.


  • Develop unique and specific content. Address the prospective client by name. Focus on hot properties in their specific areas.
  • Include links to helpful sources on your website.
  • Promote the strengths of your own expertise or niche market.
  • Inform prospects that they are in a drip email campaign. (They’re less likely to ask to be removed if you are honest with them up front.)


  • Use generic and non-meaningful content. There is no quicker way for a client to start spamming your emails or asked to be removed from your list.
  • Go overboard. Four or five emails is generally enough for a well-crafted drip campaign.
  • Forget to thank them when the campaign is over.
  • Miss the opportunity to continue email marketing to that list of prospects on a less aggressive basis. Want to keep that prospect engaged? Send them quarterly information about the types of listings that got them to your website to start with.

How We Can Help

We offer more than help with Search Engine Marketing and Web Design. Digital Shift is an expert specifically tailored to the Real Estate Market.

Contact us today about ways your business can benefit from one of our comprehensive marketing packages. We look forward to working with you!