5 Real Estate Marketing Materials Every Agent Needs

With over 2 million people holding an active real estate license in the United States alone, the competition is more fierce than ever. In fact, last year was one of the biggest years for existing home sales in several decades.

If your numbers just aren’t where you want them to be, or if you feel that your current marketing strategy isn’t able to keep pace with the growth of the industry, it’s time to make a change.

In this post, we’re sharing with you the top 5 real estate marketing materials you need to have to beat your competition, get higher commissions, and close deals faster.

1. A Killer Website

This is the first thing you need to be able to market your homes effectively. You can’t sell a home without first explaining to potential clients what you bring to the table that other realtors in your area just don’t.

Your website should include lots of photos and videos, (more on that in a moment) a detailed biography of yourself and your experience, and should be easy to navigate.

You also want to make sure that your page loads quickly, and that you frequently update your site. Not only will his help you to rise in search engine rankings, it will also make a great impression on potential clients.

2. Video Tours

Your dream client could be several states away. So could the buyer that’s more than happy to pay you over your asking price.

How can you cater to the people you haven’t met in person yet, and show them the awesome homes you have on the market without making them get on a plane?

By including lots of detailed, walk-through video tours on your website. Not only will this vastly widen your market, it will also help you to point out the finer, more detailed features of the home – something a written description can’t always do.

3. Professional Photos

Of course, if your website and even printed materials contain grainy, poorly-lit photos you shot on your iPhone, you’re not doing yourself any favors.

Instead, hire a professional that can help you show the depth of the home, make smaller or older portions of the home look better, and more.

4. A Blog

One great way to make sure clients can always find your site? By creating blog content. Not only will this help to establish you as an authority in your field, but it will also make it much easier to put keywords into your website’s content.

Plus, your blog posts are highly shareable on social media. To end that…

5. Get On Social Media

These days, people look for everything on social media – yes, even a new home! Believe it or not, a sleek Instagram post or a Facebook photo album can land you clients and increase hits to your website.

Ready To Get The Best Real Estate Marketing Materials?

Thanks to this post, you know the real estate marketing materials you need to have in order to reach your goals and grow your client list.

Need help putting together a tighter marketing strategy? Get in touch with us today, and check out our blog for more advice.

Digital Shift Agency:
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